Some of my best ideas are not really planned at all, they just kind of come when inspiration strikes. I will admit that I'm not the best planner- I could be a tad better. That's what happened today during our visit to story time. Our school is reading and voting on the California Young Reader books. Our firsties get to go to the library every Monday and hear another one of the nominees read by our librarian. After they have listened to all of the books, they will get to vote for the book they liked the best. They love to hear the results to see if our school picked the book that was chosen state-wide. Today's book was just too cute and the kids L-O-V-E-D it! It's called I Need My Monster by Amanda Noll.
It is loaded with great adjectives, which is something we've been working on a lot in writing. I thouht it would be really cute to have them make their own monster with construction paper and lots of googly eyes of course and then have them write about it. I'm imagining all the great things they'll come up with for their monsters. I made the writing paper for their story and will try to post pics of their crazy creatures when they're done. Click here to get a copy of the writing page. I really need to find out how to embed the link to the image :(
DIY Forsythia Spring Porch!
6 days ago